Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Search of the Ultimate DONE Moment

Do any of you ever reach moments in your life when everything you need to do is DONE? If any of you do kindly speak up now and spill your secret. As my life progresses I feel a little more out of control and farther from that "done" moment the farther I go. I don't know if I have strayed too far from being the ideal person that I hold as a model in my mind or just maybe ....doubtful, but maybe, I'm actually becoming closer to being that person and the blinders of ignorance are falling. And then I see how much farther I have to go.

I vowed to reprioritize my life not all that long ago, but I lacked a solid game plan. I'm not entirly sure that I have one now, but I do believe that I'm a bit closer. This lovely new little blog is my new assistant. I'm following the whole theory that if a plan or goal physically exists somewhere in one's life that it will more likely be realized, remembered, and accomplished.

So here is laughing please ;)....notice how the tense must be present tense....the solid push into reality....

I live a more Christ centered life with focused purpose each day to better another's life and in turn bettering my own

I spend precious time with my babies each day

I finish and publish my children's cookbook

I thrive in my Pampered Chef business

Wow, there it is.....I'm sure I'll add a great deal more in the future, but I have to take this one step at a time. It's all up for editing proposals. Now we can all anticipate a new outlined schedule to soon be formulated in my will include a days of Service, Missionary Work, Provident Living, and a ME day....we'll see what I can fabricate. Wish me luck and until then.....I'll be thinking....thinking.....thinking.

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